Here is a link to make FREE CUSTOM CHORE CHARTS, you can pick a character you want, and custom make chores for each child!!! We have been using this site for a long time. It is so fun and so easy!

I have also been putting a list together of fun, Summer activities ( preferably FREE) that the kids can participate in. I thought I would let everyone know that every Summer, Edwards Cinema ( in Ammon) does two FrEe MoViE DaYs FoR ThE KiDs. It starts June 3rd and is every Tuesday and Wednesday throughout the Summer, starting at 10:00 a.m. They usually have a toddler movie one day and a young adult movie the next and I believe they also have cheap snacks if you want! We have done this every Summer and the kids love it. They don't have it posted on their website, but you can go to the theater and they have a sheet of info about it! I just Love Free Goodies!
Another FuN AnD FrEe ActIvItY for the kiddo's is the Public Library's "Lap Sit Time". Iona also has a branch off of the Public Library, so If you live on this side of town it's a lot closer! They usually pick a theme and read STORIES, have a CRAFT, and sometimes a TREAT! My kids love to go, and it is so good for there little imaginations! Here is a link to there website if you are interested in the times. I know that The Public Library, and the Iona Branch are slightly different, so be sure to check.
One of my favorite activities to do is on Saturday's. We go GaRaGe SeLlInG almost every Saturday and I find all sorts of treasures for way cheap. It is so nice to only spend a quarter on a toy for the kids, and they are completely Satisfied! After garage selling we usually hit ThE FaRmErS MaRkEt for some more inexpensive finds! It is open Every Saturday, Memorial Day - Labor Day, from 9:00 a.m-1:00p.m. I love to buy there fresh flowers and peppers for so much less than you could normally buy them!
There is always PaRkS and FeEdIng The DuCkS for a fun and free activity! I know everyone already know about these, but I was wondering If any of you had a favorite park that you like to go to. Our favorites are Community, Kate Curly, and The Iona square because it is close! I love finding new parks to take my kids to and they love exploring new ones as well, so let me know. Here is A fun Idea that you can do at the park. My sister Rebecca taught me this one. Freeze a super hero or action figure of some sort in a bowl over night, Then take it to a park ( Like Community with a lot of hills) and let the kids race them down the hill until they melt! They'll have so much fun with this one I promise.... Plus It's FREE!!! I just read this one last night in the latest Parenting magazine. You can use it at the park, camping, or at home! I haven't actu

Don't forget about the FREE WaTeR PaRk in Rexburg!!! I know that they had problems with it when it was first open but they are extra cautious now and it is so much fun. There is also a Cheap merry-go-round ride that the kids love! It is located on 2nd West 2nd South, Rexburg Id.
I think the most important thing is to spend time with our children and families. You can find so many things to do that spark your children's imagination and help them with confidence and self esteem. I am really going to try hard to be less up tight and enjoy all of the simple pleasures in life!!
Here are a few photograph's of my kids enjoying the simplest of things! Here is another quote that my sister gave to me, she's the best!!! It is from Sister Lant's talk from conference, "The most important traditions are connected with the way we live our lives and will last beyond us as our children’s lives are influenced and shaped." Thank you Rebecca, I love this quote!! I hope that everyone has a FANTABULOUS SUMMER!!! Let me know if you know of any other fun things to enjoy this Summer!!