I have so much to catch up on, so this is going to be one of those random posts.
First of all Gabe turned 4. His birthday was on July 27th. So much has happened since then, so I am a little late posting about it. I can't believe my baby boy is already four. Here is a little glimpse into the life of our wild child. Gabe was born with so much pitch black hair that he was already sporting the missionary side swipe. He was so handsome and so full of life. He never really slept as a baby and is still never really sleeping! He has the most wild imagination. He loves to pretend that he is a different animal or super hero each and everyday. This morning he asked me to do his hair like a cheetah. It is the only way we can get him to do his hair, so I am happy to comply. Gabe loves to act tough, but he is really a big softy. He is so protective of his sisters and mommy, and is always catering to our every need (poor guy). He is his daddies little shadow and wants to do any and everything Chris does. We Love our little guy so much and are sad that he is growing up way too fast. Happy Birthday Monster!
He invited his best friends, "Wuke" and "JoJo" (Luke and Joseph) to Blast Off for some fun and some pizza. I love this picture of the three of them, too cute.

We always have a separate celebration with family. We had everyone over for dragon cake and ice cream. I got this idea from my sister. It looks complicated, but it is so easy. Here is the link if you want to give it a try. You have to love Family Fun! Gabe had such a blast and loved all of his new toys. Thanks again everyone, for making his day special.

Although he wasn't quite as excited about it, Chris also had a birthday and turned the big 27 on Sept. 3rd. I told him we are going to be throwing him an over the hill party soon, and didn't get a very enthused response. Man where do I start with this guy. To let you know how great he is, I asked him what he wanted for his birthday and like every year he said he wanted to spend it with his family. I know he would have been perfectly happy with just that, but I took his motorbike in to be repaired and he acted like a giddy school boy over it. We also went to the Fair with some friends and celebrated each of our husbands birthdays by stuffing our faces and watching drunken Indians, YES! Chris is the most giving and thoughtful person I think I have ever met. He is always putting his family first, and is always looking for ways to improve as a husband and father. Thank you for working so hard to provide for us babe, I love you no matter how old you get teehee! I love this picture of him, doesn't he look like a hunk of man candy?

Here is our favorite news yet! Notice anything? Finley is completely off of the oxygen and getting cuter and bigger everyday! Don't you love these shots? I still can't express the gratitude I have for everyone and for all of your prayers. Thank you just doesn't seem to be enough.
I may be a little bias, but these are three of the most beautiful children ever!
I can't get enough of this sweet baby girl! Here are a few shots that i couldn't resist!

I think she is going to have attitude just like her sister. Chandler is totally obsessed with her new baby sister. She is such a big help. I jumped in the shower and asked Chandler if she would listen for Fin and tell me if she starts to cry. When I got out, Chandler had Finley in her arms rocking her to sleep. I was a little nervous about chandler lifting her while I was gone, but Finley was perfectly content, so how could I be upset?

I don't have all of the pictures for this, but I wanted to thank Primary Children's for being so sweet to our family and all of the other families who were there. For those of you who don't know, they really focus on the families comfort. They gave us free zoo tickets, museum tickets, and free counseling for the children to help cope with there emotions and help them to better understand all that was going on. They brought the cutest little dolls in hospital gowns and explained all of the wires and tubes that Finley had. The kids were able to color faces on the dolls, put band aids and wires on them, and talk about how they felt. Thank you to everyone at Primary Children's, we love you.
Here are a few of our favorite animals at the Zoo. We watched the gorilla's for about fifteen minutes, I just couldn't get enough of them.