

Christmas Morning!

We set the alarm for 7:00 a.m. Christmas Morning, just in case the kids slept in. I couldn't wait any longer, so right before seven I woke Chandler up and told her that Santa had come. She quickly woke up her brother and we waited at the top of the stairs until daddy got the camera ready. They didn't quite realize that we were video taping, that is why you hear them saying CHEESE the entire way down the stairs! The first thing they wanted to see is if Santa ate all of the cookies we left him. Sure enough they were satisfied. Then they found there open gift with there name on it, ( which is a tradition in my family to have one open gift with a name tag by it) and started to unwrap. They loved all of there gifts and we spent the next hour undoing all of the little, obnoxious twisty ties on every little part of every little toy! Listen to Chandler's excited baby talk, "Santa... bring me presents, that's a cute one"! It makes me laugh every time!


Bon said...

It looks like the kids had a lot of fun! It is so fun to watch our kids faces don't you think? Savanah loves those cabbage dolls that Chandler got, she has been collecting them. There is one named Savanah, so Savanah asked me to ask Chandler if she got it and if it reminds her of her?:) I hope you got spoiled too! I know you did Chris is a good gift giver!!

Did I mention before how much I MISS YOU!!!!!!!????


Katie Lee said...

Cute pictures of your kids on Christmas morning! Your kids are hilarious with their non stop "cheesing". It's still snowing, we'll have some good snow to sled in this weekend!

Becca said...

Ooh, I miss all of you guys so much! Hanna, your video is so cute, especially you telling your kids that Santa ate all the milk and cookies. I love the pictures of the kids with all their stuff.

Roylance Rec. Center said...

ha ha ha Chandlers voice and her pose in that last picture makes me giggle. Love ya see you soon