

Eastern Idaho State Fair..


The FOOD, Entertainment, Animals, RIDES, watching drunk people, FOOD, Music, ART, THE PEOPLE, HYPNOTISTS, creepy Carni's, but most importantly the FOOD.

Honestly, what is there not to love? We go every year, and every year we have so much fun. Here are some of the highlights!

Finley & Food go hand in hand, so I'm guessing that was her favorite part! She also loved all of the noise and colors.

Gabe kept asking, "why do they call it a Tiger Ear, and not a Saber Tooth Tiger?" He's such a crack up! He kept telling us that he wished we could live at the fair, so that we could have this much fun everyday. So Sweet!

Chandler's Favorite part was eating, and watching a girl sing Hannah Montana songs. She was in Heaven!

My Favorite was the FOOD, of coarse! Life is a Smorgasbord, you gotta try everything!

Food, was also Chris's favorite part, and watching the kids have so much fun. Ahhh, what a sweet dad!

We chose the pig to win, and he came in dead last!

A funny story about the picture Of Annie, is that we asked if she was going to perform, or already had, and she said, "no! I just came dressed up, but I can perform for you if you'd like!" I wish I got it on camera. She broke out into "The Sun Will Come Out...Tomorrow". She had the cutest little lisp. "HOW STRANGE", but it wouldn't be the fair if it were any other way. Chandler was in love with her, so I had to take a picture.

Finley wasn't sure about the animals, but the others two had so much fun feeding them, and getting rammed for more food.

Excuse my cotton Candy teeth, but Check out my HOT DATE! Going to the fair reminds me of when we dated, I love it!

Until next year.... I will be dreaming of you, and all of your sweet goodness!


Amber said...

I think I ate the same rice bowl you did when I went!

Bon said...

I have missed out on teh fair for the last four years. I do miss it! The fair here is more like 3 rides and a few dozen over grown sunflowers w/ ribbons attatched!

Looks like a blast!! And Chris had a HOT SMOKIN" date that night! you look ober fab!

Mandy said...

YAY!! You're back. I was beginning to wonder if I'd EVER see those kiddos again. :) I can not believe how much Chandler has grown. She is SO freakin tall boogs. Gabe has totally grown into a little handsome boy now and Finley is not a baby anymore she's a toddler. When did all this happen?!

It's 9am and you've gotten my tastebuds screaming for a tigers ear....haven't had one in yeeeeears.

Lisah said...

Looks like a great time!!! Your kids are just adorable! You look so cute too. We never go to the fair. We always say we are going to go, but it never ends up happening. We are such borning people.