

Wrapping up December.....

I know that I always have these colossal posts, but December was filled with so much fun that I can't leave anything out. Here is our Christmas card for this year. By the time I got finished editing them at Walmart, the kids feet got cut off a bit, but it still turned out pretty good. This picture is before I edited them, and added a border (sorry, T.M.I).

We started December off with FHE at my house. The first Monday of each month my family takes turns hosting FHE at there home. The lesson I chose was on "Love at Home". We talked about the things we can do to keep love in our homes. Then, to go along with the lesson, each family got to decorate there own gingerbread house. I feel so blessed to have my family so close and for the time we are all able to spend with one another. Here are some pictures of our Monday night madness.

I am trying to post things in order to when they happened. Next on the calender was Our monthly recipe group. It was at my home as well, and it was so much fun. Not only did each person bring a yummy recipe, but we also had a "Favorite Things" exchange. Each person brought twelve of there favorite thing during the holidays, and we passed them around. We set a budget of no more than $20.00 for all twelve gifts so that it didn't get outlandish. My favorite thing was to stay warm, so I gave a pair of Christmas socks with hot cocoa and Big Red gum. Some of the other gifts were cookie mix, potpourri, cookies, bracelets, lotion, hand made cards, gum, a Christmas CD, gloves, fuzzy socks, an ornament, a magnetic Christmas tablet, and a chocolate covered pretzel. Thanks again girls for the gifts and the craziest girls night ever!

Gabe was a child from Mexico for his Christmas play. He made the cutest little Mexican ever!He kept saying, "I'm a Mexico", which had us rolling all night. The theme was Children all around the world and for those of you who don't know his teacher Mrs. Di, she is amazing with children and the best teacher ever.

The program was so cute and Gabe acted out every little song so perfectly!

This was our sad little neighbor gift for Christmas. I know it's not a plate full of baked goods, but I couldn't find the time this year, sorry neighbors.

Next up is the Coon family cookie exchange at Aunt Sharla's house. We each baked two dozen of two different kinds of cookies. We ate cookies, drank hot cocoa, read a story about Christmas socks and Aunt Sharla had cute little socks for everyone to go along with the story. I made the Carmel Pecan and double chocolate mint cookies. Thanks to my friend Michelle for the yummy recipes, they were a hit.

A few days after the cookie exchange we had our third annual Christmas Eve party at my Aunt Cindy's house. Each year the family from Idaho get together and sing songs, eat soups (and other various goodies), and have a white elephant gift exchange. My aunt Bonnie and Pat usually make it every year thankfully, but my grandparents were such a good surprise this year. We got a new four generation picture with Finley included, which was my favorite part of the evening. We love you Grandma and Grandpa and it was so nice to see you, Bonnie, and Pat. Thank you for having it at your house Ken and Cindy, and for throwing it Jenn. It wouldn't be Christmas with out our little shindig.

Finally, Christmas Morning. We woke up early and opened presents. Each year gets more exciting than the last to watch the kids open there Christmas gifts. It looks like Santa made a stop at IKEA this year! Every year we have the same routine. We open presents then head over to my parents for Christmas Crepes.

My dad is the crepe king! Thanks daddy for the yummy crepes. Here is the best and most fattening syrup recipe ever. (It is to-die-for good!)

Empey's Killer Homemade Syrup
2 cups sugar
1 cup water
1 cube butter
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp almond extract

Next we go to Chris's families for lunch, more presents, and some sledding.They have the perfect sized hills in their neighborhood for the kids.

The kids thought it was so cool that Grandma and Grandpa even went sledding!

Gabe and Chandler racing down the hill.

Me and the kids on a giant hill of snow if front of grandma and grandpa's house.

The kids playing at the park by the hills.

Chandler and Gabe with there cousin Chase.

Emma all bundled up.

Lauralee and Finley waiting their turn.

Thanks dad and Sandy for lunch, more presents, and the sledding adventure. It was the perfect Christmas afternoon and the kids had a blast.

I am so thankful for the birth of our savior and for his atoning sacrifice. I love Christmas for this reminder and I feel so blessed to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I hope that you all had a beautiful Christmas and an even better New Year! Click on this link to hear one of my favorite songs.


Holly said...

YEAH! I LOVE when you post! :) It was a fun recipe group! It seems like it was forever ago though! Can't wait to see you all next week! :) Looks like you had a great Christmas! Lots of fun, good food & good company! :)

Genessa said...

Looks like you guys were pretty busy.
Your kids are so darn cute.
Glad to see that you had a great Christmas with lost of JUNK FOOD!

C.B. said...

Yum. So many good things in this post. It is a good thing that the holidays aren't year round I would be huge. Your sock picture gives me warm fuzzies. Love it!

SueAnn said...

It looks like you guys had a fun filled holiday season!!! Such cute pictures! That syrup is SOOOO yummy, we had it on our CHrismtas pancakes...they were to die for!

Mandy said...

Merry Christmas boogs!!!! Sounds like you had quit the eventful holiday full of love and surrounded by family.....and soon to be Best Friend....ha, ha. I can't wait to see you and those adorable kiddos.

Anonymous said...

I love all of your colossal posts.. Thanks for the Christmas card it turned out just darling!! The gingerbread houses are cute I bet that was tons of fun. And your “Mexico” is the cutest thing ever. I am glad you got to see grandpa and grandma that was a very special gift. … Opening up all your gifts looks pretty fun but I bet sledding with your family had to be the cherry on top of a perfect day. Merry Christmas Love ya

VicandNanc said...

Your recipe group sounds so fun. So... everyone brings a new recipe each month? Does everyone take turns providing all of the food each month?
All of the rest looks very fun too! I love the busy Christmas time because it's busy with all fun stuff!

Sheila Fish said...

What cute pictures!! I especially love I-am-Mexico Gabe!! Can't wait to see you guys!

Kris said...

I'm so glad you did a monster post too. I thought mine was way too long, but I struggle keeping up on my blog. Your Christmas morning pictures are so adorable! In the FHE pictures, is that Gabe with the batman mask and gloves? hee, hee... that is so cute! I'm glad you guys had such an awesome Christmas! Love you all!

MarjAnn said...

Looks like it was a fun holiday. Finley is getting so big! Do you use photoshop to fix up your photos? They looks so great and I want to learn! Miss you!

Bon said...

Oh little "Mexico" won me over in this post! He looks so cute and is starting to look older too! I can't believe how much Finn looks like him and how big she is gotten! And Chandler...give her the biggest squeeze from me!

I love long posts...especially after you have been on strike! No more of that! I HAVE to see my cute Nieces and nephew some how.

Your table looked fabulous too! Great job!

Amber said...

Look like you have been busy! I love your snow hat that you had on. I want to know where you got it. I am looking for a new hat to wear when I go skiing.

The Reeder Raiders said...

Thank you for the Christmas card, it is cute. Nick thought the envelope was cool. I have been a lazy butt the last couple of years and not sent out cards. I want make that a goal this next season. Glad everyone had a good and safe Christmas and good new year.
Love you all,

Amberlee said...

I'm glad you had such a fun-filled month! I loved our last recipe group too- can't wait for the next one :)

Anonymous said...

I love it when you post, always so many cute things!! I'm glad your family had a great Christmas!

Kate Call said...

holy! looks like the holidays were busy for you! i can't believe i didn't see any of you coonies at christmas.. i use to always see you all at least at church around christmas.. but nothing this year! its been too long han! a get together with all the girls is a must ... SOON. love all the pictures. you're seriously.. too cute for your own good. love ya to death

Head Over Hills said...

Sounds like such a fun month! I'm so glad to hear you and your family had a wonderful holiday!

Janiel said...

Cute post. Love the idea of doing a gift exchage of your favorite things! Also ALL those cookies...make my mouth water!!!

LGourley said...

It looks like you had a great Christmas. I love the pictures. We had fun sledding with you too. Maybe we should get the kids together at Blast Off again sometime soon.

Lisah said...

Han- I am so glad you had a good december and I thought your neighbor gifts were a great idea and I am making a mental note to remember that for next year! :) I hope you had a good new year!

Becca said...

"Colossal" is exactly the perfect word for your posts, Boogs.

1: favorite pictures are of Mexican Gabe, cookie party (oh, so jealous), and that ADORABLE (though dark) sledding picture.
2: We should have a Coonsters recipe night this month! Want to host?
3: I love your blog, Han.

Katie Lee said...

Happy Christmas!!! Gabe is adorable. I'm so glad you told us about his christmas program, I enjoyed watching it... you have such talented beautiful children.

Melissa said...

Loved your Christmas card, what a cute idea!! It looks like you had a great Christmas and have been enjoying the snow! I just hope the snow stops soon! :)