I truly love being a mother. In fact, there is nothing more rewarding in this world. On some rare occasions however, there is an exception. When your child gets hurt and there is absolutely nothing you can do to take it away, that is the exception I am talking about. Why can't we just have Super Mommy powers that take away all there bumps and bruises, make there insecurities and fears vanish into thin air, and have an override button for when things get messy? Seriously, where is the easy button for motherhood? I guess that's why they say stay at home mothers have the hardest job ( I think only stay at home mothers actually say that, but it is so true!).
Okay, so on to the story. I will condense it since my recent posts have been quite lengthy. Last week Gabe had a little mishap, well not so little as you can see in the pictures. (Did I warn you about the graphic images that you are about to see?) Any who, one loud thud, some screaming ( on Gabe's behalf) , and yelling ( on mine), later, Chris found Gabe bleeding profusely at the bottom of the stairs.
This is what he said happened when we got him to calm down. " I was walking like dis,( he continued to show us exactly how) and then my feet stawted to wun weally weally fast for my body, like Dash, ( from Incredibles) and then I fell and cwacked my head. " Although I was still in shock, I managed to let out a little laugh. He is such a funny little guy. The fact that he was being funny while blood was dripping over his eye, was good news. What really happened was that he was running really fast around the corner, tripped, and caught the edge of our banister.OUCH!!!
I never think to take pictures during all of these scary parenting moments, but lucky for me my camera was sitting on the bench right where he tripped. He thinks that the pictures are so cool of coarse, and each day he asks to see them over and over.
On our way to the hospital I tried to get him to tell us what happened again!
The whole time we were at the hospital I thought that he was going to break something else. He was jumping and climbing all over everything, telling us that he was " Dash and Batman",( If you look closely you will see that he is wearing his Batman Halloween costume. He has worn it since the month before Halloween and continues to wear the month after! Not every day of coarse, but between washings. The poor child looks neglected!).