1- I believe that every meal should end in a dessert! I don't think I need to elaborate on this matter!
2- When I was younger I would act like I was the actress in almost every movie I ever watched. I loved playing make believe and still find myself acting out certain characteristics that I love in people. My favorites were "The Secret Garde

3- BARBIE !!!!!!! I know that everyone already knows about my obsession with Barbie dolls and that I played until the embarrassing age of fifteen. Unfortunately I really don't like to "PLAY" Barbie's anymore. There is something about your daughter telling you exactly what you can and cannot say and always putting your Barbie on time out that makes you a little less enthused. However, I still love to buy her every piece of furniture I can find and rearrange the Barbie house.

4- I am a pretty paranoid person in general, but for some reason I am constantly finding things in each room of the house to use as weapons. I tell myself that I will know what to do in case a predator tries to attack. My most unique weapon idea was my hair dryer, just in case he surprised me in the bathroom!
5- Although I have been guilty of using them and they serve a purpos

6- I hate surprises!! I hate not knowing what I am going to get for Christmas or a birthday and I constantly guess what it will be until I see my husbands expression change. ( sorry sweetie, you are a horrible liar) I hate when people drop by unexpectedly! I hate everything about surprises. I even have a hard time keeping a surprise because I am so anxious to let the other person see what I got them.
7- TAG YOU ARE NOT IT!!!!! Due to the fact that everyone I know has already been tagged I will not be tagging anyone else, SORRY!