Halloween is a two day event for our family. We are so blessed to live near so many family members, so we start the day before Halloween so that the kids aren't too exhausted by the end of the day.
This year we started out in Shelley at their Grandma & Grandpa Peterson's! Grandma made special little treat bags for each grandchild. Thanks Grandma, they loved it! While we were there,the kids and one of their cousins kept ringing the door bell, then hiding. They got quite a scare when Grandma snuck around the house and jumped out at them while they were running to hide. All you could hear were screams and laughter!

Then it was off to Grandma & Grandpa Terrill's. We were lucky to catch them, because they were on a Hot date. I think the kids would have been so sad if they didn't get to trick or treat at their house, so we are happy they pulled in right before we got there. Thanks for the yummy treats!

Halloween Day we decided to take the kids to the movies in their costumes. We went to "Where The Wild Things Are". The characters in this movie are so cute, but I found the movie to be a bit depressing for children. The kids did not share my opinion on the movie, and they are dead set on Where The Wild Things Are Costumes for next Halloween! I had better start sewing!

After the movies we went to Great Grandma & Grandpa Magnusson's house. Great Grandma & Grandpa let the kids pick as much candy as they wanted, and sent us home with some fresh apples and tomatoes. They are constantly bringing us fresh produce, and goodies, and we love them for it.
NEXT, it was off to the TRUNK OR TREATS! We go to one out on St.Leon that our friends told us about, and it is seriously the best trunk or treat ever. The kids bag was chuck full of candy, not to mention pop, chocolate milk, a fresh donut, chips, and they even feed you dinner. It is by far our favorite!
Isn't this the cutest stinken picture?The second one, is our ward Trunk or Treat! We had a really good turn out, and it was so much fun. The kids got so much candy that we had to dump it out into bags before we finished.

After Trunk or Treating, we always let the kids walk down two streets by my parents for some old school trick or treating. They love running from house to house, and race to see who gets there first.
After being completely exhausted from running, we make a pit stop at Grandma & Grandpa Coons for a sugar reload! Grandma bought the kids king sized candy bars for their treats. HOLY COW, they have way to much sugar in their systems already!
After we got re energized, we went up to their Great Grandma & Grandpa Coons house. It was so much fun to see them this year. They just moved here from Pocatello, so they were so excited to see the kids in their costumes. Don't you just love their dogs costume? Too Cute!

And last, but not least, we stop by Great Grandma & Grandpa Dutson's. They are always so happy to see the kids costumes. Every year they have their wood burning stove going, and it feels and smells so good! I love that they were watching the old Lawrence Welk show together, so sweet!

I think they got more candy this year, than the last two combined. Luckily, a local dentists office is paying per pound of candy, then sending it over to the troops! I am having them sort through their candy to take in. They are not to thrilled, but an over flowing large bowl is a bit much. Don't you think?